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Tuesday 7 April 2015

Pharmtech & Ingredients 2015 – the main event of the pharmaceutical industry in Russia and CIS

17th International Exhibition Pharmtech & Ingredients will take place from 24 to 27 November 2015 in Crocus Expo IEC, Moscow, Russia.

Today, Pharmtech & Ingredients is the largest international medical exhibition in Russia and the CIS where the whole process of manufacturing medicinal products, nutritional supplements, and veterinary products is presented, ranging from the purchasing of raw materials and ingredients to the packaging and transportation of the end products.

Pharmtech & Ingredients Russia

The section of Laboratory equipment is widely covered at Pharmtech & Ingredients. At the stands companies present:

Laboratory equipment and reagents
Measuring and analytical devices
Laboratory furniture and glassware
Equipment for quality control departments
Equipment for clinical trials

More than 100 companies have confirmed their participation in Pharmtech & Ingredients 2015, including Sartorius, LOIP, Merck Millipore, CATROSA, Soctrade, GalaChem, CHIMMED and others.

10th International Pharmtechprom forum will take place during 25 and 26 November 2015. The forum became a platform for professional communication and sharing experiences over the period of its existence.  The issues of complex laboratory equipment and materials supply necessary for analysis and testing at pharmaceutical enterprises will be discussed during session “Auxiliary processes in pharmaceutical production”.

Get ticket to the Pharmtech & Ingredients exhibition and the "Pharmtechprom" forum can be received here Pharmtech & Ingredients 2015

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