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Thursday 12 April 2012

Medical events: where service comes first

Be it a medical practitioners’ conference, research seminar, or product launch/display symposium, look no further than Medical Events for organising it. Medical Event is a trusted name associated with organising all sorts of events related to the medical and healthcare industry.

Medical Events partners and organises medical events of all scales internationally. For events and conferences around the globe, Medical Events has become the preferred partner and associate for pharmaceutical and medical equipments manufacturing companies all over the world. Medical Events has been instrumental in organising international medical events like the Dubai Derma 2012, Abu Dhabi Medical Congress and a host of other events.

The outstanding success Medical Events is owing to the wide business network of the company which enables them to provide all necessary services and support to the clients and participants. Their range of service does not stop at organising the event itself. Instead, they provide all other associated services like arranging for transport and accommodation, providing host/hostess for participants at the conference venue, arranging for design and fabrication agencies for participants and takes care of all minute details that need to be taken care of.

Medical Events provides their clients with all the necessary support required for the aggressive and successful promotion of their products and services. The website of Medical Events is as efficient as the company itself. All information related to the events they have organised, the services they provide to their clients and their contact details are available online on their website

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