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Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Medical Exhibition in MYANMAR 2018

04:28 1 Comments
Medical Myanmar 2018 will be held for a period of three days from 10 - 12 October 2018 in Novotel Yangon Max, Yangon, Myanmar (Burma). This international trade show will be attended by representatives of numerous Pharmaceutical companies. They will get a scope to get familiar with the latest developments which are taking place in the medical, hospital and pharmaceutical industry.

Medical Myanmar  2018 

ø Highlights of The Event :-

Pharmaceutical Seminars
Medical Technology Seminars
International Healthcare Conference
Hospital Construction Technology Seminars

ø Detailed Description :-

⇒ MEDICAL MYANMAR, PHARMA MYANMAR and HOSPITAL CONSTRUCTION MYANMAR are the only specialized medical, hospital and pharmaceutical events in Myanmar that brings together an international congregation of Medical & Healthcare equipment and services, Hospital Construction Technology and Pharmaceutical companies and also its supporting industries gathered in Yangon to showcase the latest developments in the medical, hospital and pharmaceutical industry.

⇒ Fireworks Exhibitions and Conferences which have organized successful international Medical events such as Thai Medical Expo 2013 and Medical Asia Thailand 2012 hosted by the Thai Medical Council is the organizer of this premier event in Myanmar.

Medical Myanmar Exhibitors’ Profile :-

⇒ Accident and Emergency Equipment
⇒ Building Technology and Services
⇒ Catering and Kitchen Equipment
⇒ Communication and Information Technology
⇒ Dental Equipment and Supplies
⇒ Diagnostics
⇒ Disinfection and Disposal Systems
⇒ Electromedical Equipment / Medical Technology
⇒ Fabrics / Laundry
⇒ Laboratory Equipment
⇒ Medical Automation Technologies
⇒ Medical Furniture and Equipment
⇒ Medical Consumables
⇒ Ophthalmic Supplies
⇒ Pharmaceutical Supplies
⇒ Rehabilitation Equipment / Orthopaedic Supplies
⇒ Services and Publications

 Visitors’ Profile :-

⇒ Health Ministry Officials
⇒ Hospital Managers and Employees
⇒ Doctors (Surgeries and Hospital)
⇒ Nursing Officers
⇒ Hospital Technicians
⇒ Biologists, Biochemists, Technicians
⇒ Dispensing Chemists, Pharmacists
⇒ Physiotherapists
⇒ Rehabilitation Organizations, Nursing Homes
⇒ Organizations for the Disabled
⇒ Care Services and Self-help Groups
⇒ Visitors from Industry and Commerce

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Monday, 16 April 2018

Basic Surgical Skill Course/Workshop in Maharashtra India by Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh

23:46 0 Comments
⇒ With the prodigious response that has been received for the first two batches, ‘B.K.L.        Walawalkar Hospital and ‘The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh UK’ will be re-conducting the Basic Surgical Skill Course in India.

 Basic Surgical Workshop in India

⇒ This course is run by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and will be held at BKL Walawalkar Hospital in Dervan, Maharashtra.
⇒ This course is ideal for doctors / surgeons looking to learn and improve the basic skills and techniques of Surgery.

 Detailed Description :-

⇒  They will get an opportunity to learn from highly qualified and experienced visiting faculty from UK.
⇒  This course provides Assessment and Certification by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, UK.
⇒  This certification is highly desirable for MRCS examination and ideal for doctors willing to obtain surgical training and work in the UK.

⇒  The course duration is of 2 days and will be conducted twice.
 Surgical Workshop in India

⇒  The course fee is Rs.40,000/- (all taxes inclusive) and includes food and accommodation.
⇒  For NRI candidates, £470.


* The aim of this workshop is to provide a structured curriculum to teach the correct basic surgical techniques and to instill in the trainees the best habit at the beginning of a surgeon’s training.

* The course is held over two days and is made up of a series of demonstrations and extensive hands-on sessions

* At the end of the workshop, trainees will be able to demonstrate the correct basic surgical techniques and appreciate the theoretical and practical knowledge of basic surgical procedures